I want you to watch this video and tell your friends and family to watch it. I want it to go viral before it is pulled down by the intolerant, bigoted forces of obscurantism.
[Updated 01/18/'15 to repair broken links. ]
- Islam has not been hijacked.
- Assumption: all religions are benign & anodyne.
- The Bible is composed of many books spanning centuries, containing culture, history, parables and allegories.
- The Qur'an was uttered by a single man and focuses on imperatives.
- Internal contradictions are resolved by the science of Naskh: latter verses abrogate earlier verses with which they conflict.
- The Qur'an is not an a la carte menu, it is all or nothing; take it or leave it.
- The message is clear, direct and immutable.
- Islam's Mercenary Mission
- Global imposition of Islamic doctrine & practice is a religious duty.
- Islam encompasses all aspects of society including:
- belief & ritual worship
- economic transactions
- contracts
- morals & manners
- crime & punishment
- Democratic/representative forms of government are abominations.
- Criticism of Allah, Muhammad and their system is punished by death.
- Islamic law is being practiced in Britain and demands for it are being made in Europe.
- Shari'ah permits:
- Shari'ah mandates:
- corporal punishment
- hand amputation for theft
- lashing for drinking & gambling
- death for :
- queers
- apostates
- adulterers
- critics of :
- Allah
- Muhammad
- Qur'an
- Islam
- See also: Reliance of the Traveller, 08.0--7
- Offensive, aggressive and unjust jihad: against:
- Muslims are allowed to deceive non-Muslims to protect and advance the imposition of Islam.
- al-Taqiyya: dissembling
- kitman: concealment of material facts
- duality: one message in English, the opposite in Arabic.
- Deception is useful in war; Islam is at war with the world until it comes under Islamic domination.
- "Religion of Peace"
- Muslims quote early, relatively peaceful~tolerant verses while obscuring the more violent verses that abrogated those early verses.
- Peace comes with the completion of global conquest.
The Qur'an is the foundational text of Islam. It is approximately one third as long as the Bible. It contains much redundancy, little context and no chronology.
Reading Surahs 2,3 &4 is essential to understanding Islamic jihad & misogyny. The second Surah deals mainly with defensive & retaliatory fighting. Surahs 8 & 9 contain the imperatives for global conquest. Surahs 47, 48 & 61 add some important reinforcing details.
The Qur'an is available free on line in many languages, translations and formats. The Muslim Student Association at USC hosts three parallel translations: Pickthall, Shakir & Abdullah Yusuf Ali without commentary.
The Skeptic's Annotated Quran presents Pickthall's translation with a graphic index in the right sidebar.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation is available with his commentary at altafsir.
The King Fahd Complex hosted the Hilali & Khan translation with commentary. That translation includes parenthetical expressions from three tafsirs. it is reputed to be 95% accurate, excepting only the terms "fight" and "marry". In the former case, the true expression is fight and kill, in the latter case, it is a common obscenity. You can download it in pdf format here:
https://archive.org/download/EnglishTranslationOfTheNobleQuranByTaqiUdDinAlHilaliAndMuhsinKhan/The_Holy_Quran_English.pdf or view it as html, page by page here: http://aa.trinimuslims.com/ilm/noblequraan/page029.htm
Maududi's translation & commentary displays the Arabic text, English translation & explanation and offers Arabic recital for those who want to know what it sounds like.
Hadith are sayings, observations made by Muhammad's companions. They help to confirm and explain the Qur'an and form half of the basis of Shari'ah.
USC-MSA hosts abridgments of four of the six canonical hadith collections. Sahih Bukhari is considered the most authentic. Its books of Jihad, Khumus & Expedition contain most of what you need to know about jihad.
Frequent changes to the USC site cause link breakage and it appears that there has been damage to the database, several books were missing recently. Hadith references in this post are linked to quranexplorer.com which, like most hadith sites, got their databases from USC. While they claim that those collections are complete, a few sayings have been left out. Aisha Bewley's translation of Bukhari appears to be complete but uses a different numbering system and lacks named anchors so I can't link to individual sayings.
Tafsir are explanations of the Qur'an, verse by verse. Other verses and hadith form the basis of tafsir. Ibn Kathir's Tafsir is the most widely accepted. Qtafsir has an alpha-numeric search engine so that you can look up a verse by its Surah:Ayeh numbers. In several cases, the topic titles will tell everything you need to know. Here are a few samples. Click them to read the topics at Islam Universe.
- The Command to have Enmity towards the Disbelievers and to abandon supporting Them
- The Command to strike the Enemies' Necks, tighten Their Bonds, and then free Them either by an Act of Grace or for a Ransom
- The Order to fight until there is no more Fitnah
- Allah gives Victory to the Believing Group
- Permission to fight; this is the first Ayah of Jihad
- The Order for Jihad against the Disbelievers, the Closest, then the Farthest Areas
- The Order to fight to eradicate Shirk and Kufr
- The Order to fight People of the Scriptures until They give the Jizyah
- The Order for Jihad against the Disbelievers and Hypocrites
- The Good News that Muslims will conquer the Known World, and ultimately the Entire World
- The Good News that Muslims will Dominate the People of the Book
- The Good News that Islam shall prevail
- Making
Preparations for War to strike Fear in the Hearts of the Enemies of
- Muslims invoke Allah for Help, Allah sends the Angels to help Them
You can purchase Reliance from Amazon to read off line and show to your friends.
Maktabah has a pdf version of Reliance that you can search. Here are some extremely relevant samples for readers with less intense curiosity.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO9-0.html Jihad defined as making war on kuffar.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO9-1.html The communal obligation to attack kuffar at least once each year.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO9-8.html The caliph makes war on Jews... codification of 9:29.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO9-9.html The caliph fights all other people... codification of 8:39.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO4-9.html Unequal indemnity for killing non-Muslims.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO1-2.html Honoricide: no retaliation for killing your offspring.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO11-5.html Restrictions on dhimmis.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO11-10.html Acts which violate Dhimma, subjecting the violator to the death penalty.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO9-13.html Women & children enslaved by reason of capture.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO8-7.html List of acts entailing apostasy.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO8-2.html Penalty for Apostasy.
- http://www.crusadersarmory.tk/RelianceO25-9.html The eighth duty of subordinate rulers: to undertake Jihad.