Last Friday Facebook arbitrarily deleted the International Judge the Koran page. Today a new page appears, celebrating the handiwork of the perfidious body guard who murdered the Governor he was sworn to protect. I have reproduced screen shots of the wall and information page below. Click them for the full sized image.

A page announcing an upcoming event: investigation into the content & meaning of the Qur'an is arbitrarily pulled down, Then Muslims put up a page celebrating the murder of a critic of Islamic blasphemy law by his own bodyguard. Here is one of the search engine results, the link will take you to the Facebook "news feed", not to the page described because it was deleted.
International Judge the Koran Day | Facebook - Cached
7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. (King James Bible, Matthew)
Examine the root and stem first. See for yourself exactly what is in the Qur'an. The following links, where possible, are directed to Surah Al-Anfal 39, which commands Muslims to wage perpetual war against pagan disbelievers.
- USC-MSA, displaying translations by Pickthall, Shakir & Abdulah Yusuf Ali
- King Fahd Complex, displaying the Hilali/Khan translation with commentary
- Islam Awakened, displaying 33 parallel translations
- Quranic Arabic Corpus, displaying the individual Arabic words with English literal English translations
- Alim, where you can view and compare translations by Asad, Pickthall, Malik & Yusuf Ali and search hadith including: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi
- Maududi's Tafsir; his translation & commentary
- Qtafsir, search any word, phrase or verse by numbers and read Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Taste the fruit, is it sweet or bitter and salty from spilled blood?
- Sahihi Bukhari, considered to be the most authentic of the six canonical hadith collections.
- Book 52: Jihad
- Book 53: Khumus [division of the spoils]
- Book 59: Military Expeditions
- Sahih Muslim Book 19: Jihad
- Sunan Abu Dawud
- Malik's Muwatta Book 21: Jihad
- Riyad us-Saliheen Book 11, Ch. 234 an excellent collection of relevant ahadith & commentary concerning the incentivization of jihad
What are the relevant provisions of Islamic law?
- Reliance of the Traveller, Book O, Chapter 9 which defines Jihad, the obligation to perform it, perpetual warfare and other relevent matters
- Al-Risala; Maliki Fiqh: Turn to Ch. 30 on page 284
- Al-Hedayah, Vol II, Book IX, Chapter 2; Hanifi Fiqh
Last but not least, we turn to Sira: Islamic biography of the Profit.
- Hisham's Recension, abridged; the struggles
- Guillaume's translation of The Life of Muhammad, 141MB archive of 432 jpg files each bearing two pages. You will probably 61&l=eng&nAya= .001# 61_ .001 61&l=eng&nAya= .001# 61_ .001prefer to buy a hard copy from Amazon.This book describes the raids and battles, with restatements of several ayat which clarify matters a great deal.
- The Sealed Nectar, a popular biography of the Profit; it details many of the battles and a significant subset of the extortion letters which preceded them.
I do not demand that you take my word as gospel. I exhort you to investigate for yourself. Read the Qur'an, these Surahs at minimum: [Hilali/Khan]
It will be easiest to sample the ahadith in Riyad us-Saliheen, which are selected from several collections. Then sample one of the books of Fiqh and one Sira.
Discover what "Allah said', what Moe said and what he did before making a final judgment.
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