Both documents purported by the White House to certify that he was born in Hawaii have one indisputable fatal flaw: neither one bears the seal of the Hawaii Department of Health required to authenticate them. They lack probative value.
The original image of the short form remains at
Snopes , lets take a close look at it.

Observe that I have annotated the image to point out three defects.
- The Certificate # has been obliterated. Why would Obama obliterate it? It discloses nothing, it serves only as confirmation. A forgery could be discovered by revelation of a real certificate bearing the same number. Also, if the real certification of Obama's birth was revealed, and the numbers did not match, the forgery would be exposed.
- The embossed seal of the State Health Department is not present. Only a few indecipherable characters, which appear to be inverted numbers, appear where it should be.
- The document declares that it is invalidated by any alteration. That includes obliterating the serial number.
The White House blog hosts another image of the purported short form, without the watermark.
![Click to view full size image. White House version, short form.]()

While this version lacks the embossed seal, there are some pixels showing through the redaction. Lets take a closer look.

If those last two digits are 12, and the form was real, then the recently released long form can't be, the numbers should match.

Where is the embossed Seal? Where is the explanation of alterations (box 23)?
Do real birth certificates bear embossed seals? Lets examine some examples. This example was found

Sue Nordyke's birth certificate is on display, the largest and clearest image of it is in
this Scribid file. Note that the document appears to be copied from a microfiche record, which explains the white text on black background. The embossed seal is barely visible.

The first arrow points to the outer edge of the seal, the second, shorter arrow points to a ring of text. Here is a closer, enhanced view of the seal.

The short arrow points to a ring of text, the two longer arrows point to indentations made by the ring of radial bars in the edge of the seal. If you get close to the display, and have myopia as I do, you can see that the paper has been stretched by the seal.
Obama's purported certificates are defective: they lack the state seal with which the real certificates are embossed. Both have been altered, which would invalidate the genuine document.
This is my third post on this subject, because one of my Muslim critics needs a good slapping down. This one's for you, Ema. Diversion, distraction, obfuscation & Tu-quoque do not cut the mustard. Try to come up with some relevant, verifiable facts to support your fantasy.
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