Thursday, July 13, 2017

Bigotry and Intolerance Exemplified: ABC News

Bigotry and Intolerance Exemplified: ABC News
ABC News exposed their  bigotry & intolerance of truth by removing my comments and banning me.  When you read my commentary, reproduced below, you will see that thee was no good cause for the ban and censorship.  You will see that ABC News is biased in favor of Islam and against its critics.

This is a direct link to an article about adverse reaction to Face Book posts by the President of a small town in Michigan.

    Government employees and office holders do not alienate their first amendment rights by reason of employment or office.  But they need to be aware of the fact that if they criticize LibTards or Muslims they will be subject to vicious attacks.

    They should keep their commentary factual and well documented. It is not prudent to post on social media accounts that expose identifying information.  I communicated that in a private message to Jeff Seiting. I hope that he will maintain his courageous stand and disregard the hoard of harpies kvetching about it. Never apologize! Never resign! Aways counter sue for tortuous interference or defamation.

    While commenting on that article, I received a ban notice. A screenshot of the comment and the ban notice follows this sentence; the deleted comments follow immediately below the image. [A list of links to cited texts follows below the comments.]

Discussion on ABC News 226 comments

Michigan official stands by call for killing of all Muslims


The nation was founded as secular. The establishment clause of the first amdt. is intended to prevent establishment of a national denomination. The founders did not want the government dictating theology.

Islam is predatory and subversive. Refer to Muquaddimah, pages 199 & 303 in the pdf file easily found on the web. See also Maududi's "Jihad In Islam", page 10.

The Qur'an contains clear verses with Allah's commands which all Muslims are bound to obey. Check out 8:39, 9:29 & 9:123, then look up Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's "response To The Nine Accusations". Search therein for "great duty" . Muslims are obligated to terrorize us and the second WTC attack was an Islamic act of worship.

The practice of Islam is incomplete and imperfect without attacking, plundering, raping & enslaving infidel neighbors. Moe did those things and Muslims are obligated to emulate his wors by 33:21.


The USA is defined by its own organic law: the Declaration Of Independence & Constitution.

Islamic law contravenes both. Muslims are obligated to subvert them.


The O.T. is largely a cultural narrative, not imperative. The Qur'an is more imperative. The N.T. is no match for Anfal & Taubah.

Moe had the chance to fix anything he did not like, instead he doubled down on it.
Visit , open it to 9:29 and select and click interesting Arabic words. After checking the dictionary, click thru to the concordance. The word translated as fight is the most interesting. If my spelling was bad, there is a link at the bottom of each page at islamawakened.


Go to Wikiislam, look up Islamic Misogyny, find the page reference to The Life Of Muhammad and read it for yourself. the Muslim purchases a Muslima's gentital tract with his mahr and thence forward owns her like a slave or domestic animal. Ishaq used one metaphor, Tabari used the other.


Theirs was a life or death enterprise. They knew that if they did not hang together they would all hang separately. Several of the signers lost everything and died in penury.


The Klan was founded by Democrats at a beer party. Roof is a drug crazed lunatic and McVeigh a lapsed Catholic who needed assistance from a Muslim to make his bomb work.

Unlike Islam, Christianity does not have Jihad/terror/genocide imperatives.


Inclusion of Islam in the Virginia Statute was Jefferson's worst mistake. Failure to define religion turns the first amendment into a suicide pact.


President John Q. Adams was the most informed about Islam. Franklin & Jefferson were also wise to it. Adams & Jefferson owned and read Qur'an translations, unlike our recent Presidents and current President.


Visit Wikipedia, look up the "First Barbary War" and read what Tripoli's Ambassador told Thomas Jefferson when asked why we were attacked by the Barbary Pirates. Then read Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53, Number 386 and see how a similar Persian question was answered. Get a clue.


If you want to stop hate mongering, stop the publication of the Qur'an; preaching & propagation of Islam. The concept of Wala wal' Bara must be new to you. it is Love & Hate for the Sake of Allah. Muslims must hate what Allah hates, and he hates disbelievers, wants Muslims to kill us so he can burn us. Try reading Surah Al-Baqarah and Surah Al-Imran of the Qur'an.

Pious Muslims who observe the five compulsory salat curse us 17 times each day by reciting Surah al-Fatiha, reminding Allah why he wants to burn us.

Michigan official stands by call for killing of all Muslims


There is a difference between Muslims, Jews & Christians. Of the thee, only one is bound by commands, unlimited in time or geography, to conquer the world and make "great slaughter".

Try reading the Qur'an, Sahih Bukhari Vol. 4 and pages 139-218 of the second volume of Hedaya. For the short course, read the Jihad chapter of Riyad us-Saliheen.


So it is divisive to stand up against those whose cohort declared Africans good only for slavery, enslaved them and sold them to colonists? Explore pages 125 & 197 of the pdf file containing Muquaddimah, which was written by a North African Muslim historian.


Moe was dishonorable; a false prophet and genuine profiteer. His claim to fame is the creation of an Arab Mafia disguised as a religion which has slaughtered an estimated 270*10^6 innocent victims since 624. Let doubters, dissenters & deniers read pages 108 & 140 of the fourth volume of Sahih Bukhari wherein Moe said his income was under the shadow of his spear and he was made victorious with terror.

Informed opposition to the dictum that one must embrace Isam or be slain is common sense, not bigotry. President Jefferson was not engaged in bigotry when he sent the Marines to Tripoli.


Common sense dictates that officers & employees not identify their affiliation on social media profiles used to discuss sensitive issues. Those who do must be able and stand ready to cite factual evidence to support their opinions.

LibTards, Muslims & Dhimmis seek to destroy their critics. You must be ready and able to defend your position and reply with contumacious defiance.

Cited texts:

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