Monday, March 14, 2016

What's Behind the Effort to Silence Donald J. Trump?


Ben said...

Well done, Debi! Sunday night, Ben Fergusson read a litany of violent Trumpisms on his radio show. Those can only be blamed for violence by Trump supporters, not violence by Black Racists & Communists.

They need to silence Trump 'cuz he rent the veil of Political Correctness and told partial truth about Wet Backs and Muslim invaders.

Trump recognizes and mentioned Islamic hatred but seems to be unaware of its source: the canonical texts of Islam. The Qur'an is full of it. It demonizes and curses us.

Our friend Uncle Vladdie included a list of the hateful ayat in his comment at Jihad Watch:

Too bad Trunp does not know about them! They hate us 'cuz we ain't Muslims. 'Cuz we are not Muslims, we are, from their point of view, waging war against Allah and his messenger & must be killed for it.

Islam 101 For Politicians was written for Mr. Trup and his fellow aspirants to high office. There is a link to it in the top frame of this blog. Read it and share it with your favorite candidate.

Since Islam is a fraudulent and fabulistic faith, it is extremely fragile and brittle; unable to withstand questioning and criticism. Islamic law requires the assassination of its critics. There is an entire chapter about that in Ash-Shifa. Start reading at page 717 if memory serves.

Likewise, the Welfare class sees Trump as a threat to their gravy train so they want to take him down. The greedy grubbers are not more tolerant than Muslims.

Debi Brand said...

Amen, Ben, my Friend.

And thank you for your additions to my above post.

I have sent links to Team Trump on both, your Islam 101, and the post above.

You stated, "They need to silence Trump 'cuz he rent the veil of Political Correctness and told partial truth about Wet Backs and Muslim invaders."

Indeed, my Friend. Trump walked upright to the line, and there remained so,that the lion's share of our "leaders" are on bended knee at.

You said, "waging war against Allah and his messenger & must be killed for it. "

Indeed, Ben. Speaking to that, ' working on completing for posting, "Trump, Islam, and the example of Kab ibn Al-Ashraf."

In short, the sum of the story, encapsulated in these words of, as sira provides it, a witness to the actions and the way of Muhammad, "Messenger of Allah": "Those who fight you die miserably,Those who make peace with you live happily."


Indeed, indeed--Romney, Rubie, Bushies, and countless others like-minded, happy, happy, happy.