Tuesday, November 13, 2018

IDF: Send Gaza to Allah, Let It Sort Them!

IDF: Send Gaza to Allah, Let It Sort Them! 400  rockets and mortars in one day is enough. I charge Antonio Guterres to 'rass his restraint!  I  urge President Trump to flush his damned fool peace plan. I charge  Israel with the necessity of wiping Gaza off the face of the earth. There is no need for Gaza nor it's SandLeeches!!! Send them all to Allah and let it sort them out.

Muslims will not stop until they are dead because Moe told them they go to war or to Hell.  Peace is not possible while the region and the world are Muslim infested!

Watch what they did, read why they did it (links below video) and get a clue. Then demand the extinction of the War Cult! (I found this video at Bare Naked Islam.)

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