The record will show that Southern Poverty Liars Center is intolerant of free & open debate so that they demand a monopoly of opinion. Click Here to view a screen shot of the result of my attempt to reply to a comment.
Exhibiting relevant facts to a LibTard is like uncovering a hidden rattlesnake: an intolerable attack..
Update 03/12/'17: SPLC is censoring a comment by Uncle Vladdi for no good reason. Click here to see the evidence below!
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
— an Austrian anti-Muslim activist convicted of hate speech in her native
country in 2011 — was invited to meet with Kansas Secretary
of State Kris
Kobach, in Topeka on March 7.
My comment was submitted 03/09/'17, "pending" after 17 hours 2 days!. The image below is from my DISQUS account.

Muslims, Dhimmis & LibTards can not tolerate promulgation of the truth about Islam and its profane Profiteer. So they calumniate and smear anyone who tells that truth. Note that they gleefully chortle over Wolff's conviction for "hate speech".
Link to my original post about Woff's trial:
Citizen Warrior quoted from an interview: " read the following excerpts from an interview with Sabaditsch-Wolff by Austria's equivalent to Time Magazine. Her answers are worth studying."
... Interviewer:
You are accused of making the following statements, among others:
"Muslims rape children because of their religion", or "Mohammed enjoyed
contact with children." Why the polemics?
Sabaditsch-Wolff: This is a clever strategy. You and all the others who are now crying wolf are locked in a choice of words. As a result you are able to maneuver yourselves away from the main point. It is a fact that Mohammed married a six-year-old at the age of 56. To this day men in Islamic countries view this as legitimizing marriage to a minor, thereby causing rape and life-long trauma. This is the problem we need to address, and not how to circumscribe this bitter reality.
Sabaditsch-Wolff: This is a clever strategy. You and all the others who are now crying wolf are locked in a choice of words. As a result you are able to maneuver yourselves away from the main point. It is a fact that Mohammed married a six-year-old at the age of 56. To this day men in Islamic countries view this as legitimizing marriage to a minor, thereby causing rape and life-long trauma. This is the problem we need to address, and not how to circumscribe this bitter reality.
The facts about Moe's marriage to six year old Aisha are contained in the sahih hadith colluctions. I documented them here:

Imran Firasat documented the sorry story in an animated graphic novel which you can view here with my documentation: :
In my comment at SPLC, I mentioned what Moe did to Aisha between marriage and consummation. We call it 'thighing' Arabs have a word for it, shown in this search result:
Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Aisha - WikiIslam'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Aisha
I highlighted the word so you can pick it out. Here is the page of search results:
This is not a joking matter and I do not lie about it. Moe was rubbing his male appendage between Aisha's thighs for three years. Regardless of your approval or disapproval of the practice and child marriage in general, that is the way it was. Is it possible that an unrepentant pedophile could be chosen by God as his final messenger to the world?
That revelation is neither hate speech, incitement to violence, bigotry nor racism, it's the truth as we know it. SPLC is not interested in the truth, they are interest in the Socialist agenda and Islamic narrative. In their narrative, anything negative about Islam, its texts, deity & saints must be racist, Islamophobic, bigoted hate speech. Thus they smear Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff as a convicted hate speech offender 'cuz she called Moe a pedophile. When you read the relevant ahadith, you will realize that the description fits the pedophile Profiteer.
Wolff and the Trump administration team are being smeared and calumniated by narcissistic, self-righteous AssWholes pontificating from the pillar of falsehoo in the school of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals".
Censorship In Progress
As of 1255 a.,/ March 12 2017, Uncle Vladdi's comment, displayed below, was in the process of being censored.This screenshot shows the text link currently replacing the comment.

This screenshot shows the comment as revealed by clicking the link. Unfortunately the resolution is too low. I have copied and pasted the text below. the image.
That comment is neither false, malicious, obscene nor profane. There is no good reason to censor it. SPLC hates truth and can not tolerate facts which contradict their narrative.

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