I took screenshots of a selection of the remaining comments. You can see the quality of the AssWhole's comments; how they respond to facts and logic with insults. Click here to view them.
Update 03/13/'17: LibTards can not debate against facts & logic! The AssWholes banned me because they can not handle the truth!
The record will show that Southern Poverty Liars Center is intolerant of free & open debate so that they demand a monopoly of opinion. Click Here to view a screen shot of the result of my attempt to reply to a comment.
Exhibiting relevant facts to a LibTard is like uncovering a hidden rattlesnake: an intolerable attack. As proof of this fatal flaw, I include the record of my comments at SPLC. You will see that they are not profane, obscene, violent, false or malicious; that there is no good reason for deleting them and banning me. Click here to view the deleted comments.
Click here to see subsequent comments I can not reply to because of the ban. Note their relevance and intellectua tone.
As of 1255 a.,/ March 12 2017, Uncle Vladdi's comment, displayed below, was in the process of being censored.
This screenshot shows the text link currently replacing the comment.

This screenshot shows the comment as revealed by clicking the link. Unfortunately the resolution is too low. I have copied and pasted the text below. the image.
That comment is neither false, malicious, obscene nor profane. There is no good reason to censor it. SPLC hates truth and can not tolerate facts which contradict their narrative.

My Deleted Comments
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Convicted of Hate Speech Against Muslims, Meets with Trump Advisor Kris Kob…

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Convicted of Hate Speech Against Muslims, Meets with Trump Advisor Kris Kob…

How do you answer the clear message of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Page 108, Ch. 88 wherein Moe described his provision as being under the shade of his spear? Frame your reply in the context of Muquaddimah, page 199 wherein Ibn Khaldun describes the sustenance of Arabs as being wherever the shadow of their lances fell.
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Convicted of Hate Speech Against Muslims, Meets with Trump Advisor Kris Kob…

Open the second volume of the two volume set of Hedaya and read pages 212 & 216. What is the meaning of "species of punishment for infidelity", "payment in lieu of destruction" and "disbelief is an evil which must be removed from the world by death or Islam.".
Open Reliance Of The Traveller to Book o, Chapter 9 and read 9.8 & 9.9. What is the legal requirement pertaining to Jihad against Pagan Arabs? How does the law explain that requirement? What is the scriptural basis for that rule?

As far as I am concerned, you can eat Alex Jones. I take no stock in that jerk!!! I'd not trust anything he says without extremely good corraborating evidence.
The canonical books of Islam are of human origin. That includes the Qur'an. Hedaya, which Unk cited, is the fiqh of the Hanafi madhab, used to govern India and the Ottoman Empire. Hamilton's translation is not easy reading, with an archaic font and arcane vocabulary.
Unk will argue over this, but Reliance, the Shafi'i school's code, is more widely known and accepted . It is also much easier reading.
I can only read the English translations.

Wolff's conviction stemmed from quoting one of the muttawir ahadit which state Aisha's age as six years when Moe married her and 9 years when he consummated the marriage. In the intervening three years he was thighing her. Look it pu, there is an Arabic word for the practice, which is sunnah 'cuz Moe did it to Aisha. Search for Pedophile Profit" at islamexposed.
Subsequent InsultsUncle Vladdie's Deleted Comments
Uncle Vladdie's comments were deleted along with mine. They are collected here in text forma with comments and responses from the sewer denizens. .
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) 18 hours ago
Waa waa "hate" this and "hate" that! Are you in kindergarten?!
Tell us, fake-Jewish troll, what's so wrong with "hate" anyway?
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) 18 hours ago
You're no true Jew, pandering as you do to the islamic crime-gang.
(Also, your inability to use logic and facts kinda gives it away, troll)!
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) 18 hours ago
Oh, I'm sorry I used logic - did it confuse you? Make you want to run off to your closest 'safe space'? And muslims are criminal atheists.
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) 18 hours ago
I do hate crimes and the criminals who commit them - why don't you? When perceiving a threat, you libertines feel the best solution is to become part of the problem! When you liberal criminals stand for nothing, you fall for anything.
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) 18 hours ago
No true Jew could be as stupid as you show your self to be.
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) 18 hours ago
Islam inspired Hitler and his Nazis. Islam invented those yellow armbands to identify and humiliate the Jews with. In fact, it is more accurate to describe the Nazis as 'white' MUSLIMS. It seems you are a silly racist who only supports the global crime-gang of islam simply because most of its members are allegedly 'swarthy victims' (of the implicitly mentally superior whites).
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) 18 hours ago
Re: "All religions" (implying islam, too) "have their strengths" - well, NO - not if you include islam as a "religion" at all. Islam tells its muslim gangsters they are so much better than all the non-muslims in the world that it's not only their right, but also their holy duty to their god, to extort, enslave, and murder us all. That includes you, and no amount of your opinionated immorally relativistic pandering will ever change that FACT. Oh, and the person most responsible for even Hitler having built his own death-camps, was his buddy, the islamic Grand Mufti of "palestine," one Haj-Amin al Husseini (and Yasser Arafat's own uncle). Before he met Hitler, Adolf wanted to expel the Jews into "palestine." Being horrified at the idea of the Jews' return to 'his' holy land, the Arab muslim in stead advised him to exterminate.
UncleVladdi (((Aron))) a day ago
If one is going to dedicate one's life to doing good, the best place to start is by countering the worst example of evil: islam.
Islam insists we have no right to accuse them of their crimes, and orders us to "Respect!" their mass-murdering child-raping Founder - "or else we kill you!"
Muslim extortion is the real crime here, not our legal, just and moral defensive defiance of it!
UncleVladdi 2 days ago
Are muslims and their beloved islam really threats to all the non-muslims in the world? OF COURSE!
Islam tells its muslims they are so superior to all the non-muslims that it's not only their right, but also their duty to their god to extort, enslave, and murder us all for him!
"Only Allah has the right to be worshiped" - that is an outright denial of our freedom of religion.
"When they testify, their blood and treasure are sacred to us" & "He who testifies saves his wealth and his life from me" - that is an unacceptable denial of our right to life and property.
"Fight them until..." - that is a denial of our right to peace.
"Jihad is ordained for you" (2:216). It is Islamic law, binding on all Muslims. Those who do not participate are doomed to a "painful torment" (9:39) or "painful punishment" (91:10) which means: go to war or go to Hell! (78:31)
9:5 commands Muslims to "kill them wherever you find them".
9:29 commands them to fight us until we are subjugated and make annual extortion payments.
9:120 promises Brownie Points for acts intended to injure or enrage us.
9:123 commands fighting the nearest kuffar.
And only an ignorant fool believes he has Muslim friends & allies! Allah expressly forbids equal & inferior relationships with kuffar!
Muslims must be superior as per 9:33. This is a get your head out of the sand moment!! Muslims are explicitly commanded not to take us as friends allies or partners!!! 3:28, 3:118, 4:89, 4:139, 4:144, 5:51, 5:57, 58:14, 58:22, 60:1, 60:13.
Lying is a sacred and pious act in islam - all muslims are liars, having been raised from birth to think their god wants them to lie - to everyone, even their own friends and family members, as well as (or course) to their "infidel enemies" every where and all the time.
UncleVladdi 2 days ago
Islamaphobia is alive and well, and should be banned.
Fear of islam causes people to permit islamic sex-slave gangs to operate, puts islamic critics in prison, permits parents to castrate small girls and cover their faces.
If we are to have a world in which ‘islamophobia’ is a crime, let us at least define it correctly:
Fear of islam = fear of violence caused by not submitting to violent islamic demands.
Now that IS irrational!
UncleVladdi 2 days ago
Muhammad himself was an atheist who rode around Arabia extorting, enslaving and murdering everyone he could rob while pretending he did it to “punish their disbelief in his unknowable god.”
By claiming his god was unknowable, he denied its existence in any intelligible relation to humanity.
He used violence to force others to “admit” that a personal compassionate (or even conscious) god didn’t exist.
If either a god or a devil actually existed, the case could be made that such actions would be motivated by the latter. If neither exist, then such acts (attacking innocent other people for their “offenses” of self-indulgence) could only be motivated as excuses for personal gain.
Finally, islam is only idolatry, because Muhammad admittedly only spoke with and received his ‘revelations’ from, an angel.
Muhammad admitted he had never spoken with “allah.”
That dispenses with islam’s false claims of being a “religion” at all, much less one “of peace!”
All muslims are atheists, because they have no faith in their god’s desires or ability to enforce even its own us-versus-them and might-makes-right tenets.
The Qur’an clearly and specifically tells muslims the Bible is wrong and also that all Christians and Jews are infidel criminals who worship a false god, and who must therefore be extorted, enslaved, and murdered for their “crime” of not being muslims:
Sura (Chapter) 47:1-4 of the Qur’an:
1: non-muslims are bad, because they insult allah by dividing his nature;
2: muslims are good, because to them allah is the cause of everything;
3: Allah made them both like that;
4: So muslims should chop off the non-muslims’ heads.
(Allah could have done it himself, but he wants you muslims to do it for him).”
It’s all right there, in context: islamic violence is entirely general doctrine-driven, and not at all specific grievance-driven.
(And chapter 47 isn’t by any stretch even remotely the worst, most violent chapter; that honor goes to either chapter 8 or 9).
So, if and when you consider islam to be a religion, you must agree with it’s main tenet: that God is a violent murderer who wants his muslim tribe to violently conquer the world by extorting, enslaving, and murdering all the non-muslim humans, right?
At worst, all ‘real’ religions only say:
“Obey our silly rules, or GOD (/’the gods’) will get you!”
But ONLY islam says:
“Obey our silly rules, or WE will get you (‘for god’)!”
A forced faith isn’t a “faith” at all – it’s only extortion, and extortion is always a crime!
Here’s islam’s “holy Message from god” as exemplified by the collective words and deeds of it’s Founder:
“I will save humanity by lying to, extorting, torturing, robbing, burning out of their homes, kidnapping and ransoming, enslaving, raping and murdering everyone who even only verbally disagrees with me – and you can, too!”
– Muhammad –
Muhammad was really only a con-man and bandit-king, an arch-criminal who always blamed “god” for his own penchant for committing crimes. If Moe got away with committing a crime (and he tried them all, enthusiastically, more than once, but instead of ever showing contrition, bragged about how much fun it was to commit them, and advised everyone else to join in the fun, too), then it was held to be “obvious” that “god” wanted him to get away with having committed those crimes!
So, again: islam is not a “religion” (at all, much less one “of peace”) nor is it a “race” (at all, much less one of “Poor, Oppressed, People Of Colour”)!
Obviously, islam is ONLY an ancient, ongoing extortion-racket CRIME-syndicate, and the only “religious” part in it, is where they say:
“God told us to commit these crimes!”
BOTTOM LINE: Muhammad himself was a cowardly psychotic criminal who wrote a book of lies telling everyone else what fun it was to be him
UncleVladdi 2 days ago
ALL of your silly "Hate-Speech Laws" ARE CRIMES!
“Progressive” criminals - who like all criminals desire an equality of outcome over a true equality of opportunity, and to get it will always try to socially engineer ever-more rights and ever-less responsibilities for them selves, by offloading their responsibilities onto their victims by stealing their victims' rights - pretend to hold submissive masochism as the highest virtue (for their victims to hold, not them) and the ultimate crime to be causing offense and hurting other people’s (criminal’s) feelings, (i.e: by accusing them of their crimes).
So they want to make it illegal to accuse criminals of their crimes, since that might hurt their feelings and in offending them with the often-painful truth, "make" them commit even more crimes!
SO: Is there anything which really ought to qualify as hate speech and be banned?
NO - not because it's "hateful" (because that sort of nonsense is only making subjective assessments based on emotions;) and "HATE" is really only the perfectly natural human response of perpetual anger towards ongoing crimes (like islam); without 'hate' we would never bother to accuse criminals of their crimes in order to stop those crimes.
Unreasonable false displays of hatred and anger on the other hand, are what the Left is good at - but that's already illegal, not because of the anger displayed - that's just the outrageous holier-than-thou virtue-signalling packaging used to disguise their preposterous extortion attempts - but because it's fraudulent slander.
Such criminal leftists who try to make "hate" into a crime, only ever make it 'illegal' to hate crime itself!
Speech which is already disallowed is incitement of immediate violence and death-threats ... and even those aren't illegal, if say they call for the police to use violence to counter ongoing mob violence and looting, or call for the death-penalty for murderers!
UncleVladdi Guest 2 days ago
Uh-oh! My previous comment has been flagged for quoting the Qur'an in public and for using "hateful" FACTS:
"Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Hatewatch." This means the anti-free-speech fascists are en route!
UncleVladdi RenaultRetainer 2 days ago
You simply copy and paste the same ridiculous ad-hominem screed in response to any and all threatening facts?!
UncleVladdi RenaultRetainer 2 days ago
No facts - only predicable ad-hominem and tu-quoque fallacies. Lots of metaphors (lies & evasions) in your screed.
UncleVladdi HSkol 2 days ago
The boundaries of islam were set by the crime-lord Muhammad, and his "muslims" are enslaved by it - CAPISCE?
And islam is not a "faith" at all, because Muhammad told his holy-mobster "muslim" mind-slaves to see their allah as both unknown and unknowable.
Islam's moslems have NO legal right to "practice their faith" whether it be in public or elsewhere - because everything moslems pretend to hold as "holy" is already a crime.
They have no real "faith" because their description of their allah is that he/it is unknown and unknowable (so why listen to Big Moe?) and since allah has been generalized as the indivisible EVERYTHING, it is also therefore specifically NOTHING! It isn't Ha-Shem, only Shit-Happens! Existentialism IS nihilism!
4:77: Those who whined "Hold back your hands (from attacking)" were corrected:
"War is compulsory for us - the good and bad both come from allah!"
Islam is NOT a religion (at all, much less one "Of Peace!").
All muslims are atheists, because they have no faith in their god's desires or ability to enforce even its own us-versus-them and might-makes-right tenets.
The Qur’an clearly and specifically tells muslims the Bible is wrong and also that all Christians and Jews are infidel criminals who worship a false god, and who must therefore be extorted, enslaved, and murdered for their “crime” of not being muslims:
Sura (Chapter) 47:1-4 of the Qur'an:
1: non-muslims are bad, because they insult allah by dividing his nature;
2: muslims are good, because to them allah is the cause of everything;
3: Allah made them both like that;
4: So muslims should chop off the non-muslims' heads.
(Allah could have done it himself, but he wants you muslims to do it for him)."
It's all right there, in context: islamic violence is entirely general doctrine-driven, and not at all specific grievance-driven.
(And chapter 47 isn't by any stretch even remotely the worst, most violent chapter; that honor goes to either chapter 8 or 9).
So, if and when you consider islam to be a religion, you must agree with it’s main tenet: that God is a violent murderer who wants his muslim tribe to violently conquer the world by extorting, enslaving, and murdering all the non-muslim humans, right?
At worst, all 'real' religions only say:
"Obey our silly rules, or GOD (/'the gods') will get you!"
But ONLY islam says:
"Obey our silly rules, or WE will get you ('for god')!"
A forced faith isn't a "faith" at all - it's only extortion, and extortion is always a crime!
Here’s islam’s “holy Message from god” as exemplified by the collective words and deeds of it’s Founder:
“I will save humanity by lying to, extorting, torturing, robbing, burning out of their homes, kidnapping and ransoming, enslaving, raping and murdering everyone who even only verbally disagrees with me – and you can, too!”
- Muhammad -
Muhammad was really only a con-man and bandit-king, an arch-criminal who always blamed “god” for his own penchant for committing crimes. If Moe got away with committing a crime (and he tried them all, enthusiastically, more than once, but instead of ever showing contrition, bragged about how much fun it was to commit them, and advised everyone else to join in the fun, too), then it was held to be “obvious” that “god” wanted him to get away with having committed those crimes!
So, again: islam is not a “religion” (at all, much less one “of peace”) nor is it a “race” (at all, much less one of “Poor, Oppressed, People Of Colour”)!
Obviously, islam is ONLY an ancient, ongoing extortion-racket CRIME-syndicate, and the only “religious” part in it, is where they say:
“God told us to commit these crimes!”
Bottom line: If you decide to believe in "allah," you have declared yourself a criminal, and so must be arrested, indicted, tried and convicted. Your confession of "faith" in your crime-god will help us to do so.
UncleVladdi HSkol 2 days ago
Ah, so: knowing no facts about islam, you must resort to the standard ad-hominem and tu quoque fallacies.
Your intransigent ignorance would be astounding - if it wasn't, in a leftopath, also so predictably mandatory.
UncleVladdi HSkol 2 days ago
Are you trying to pretend to imply that islam has something (anything?!) to do with individualism or liberty?! Seriously?!
UncleVladdi Guest 3 days ago
(As documented in the Hanifi Hedaya, Volume II, Book IX, INSTITUTES, on pages 154 & 157); Qur'an 8:57 & 60.
And I also own a copy of the new hard-cover version of the Shafeite sharia tome, the Reliance of the Traveller, too.
UncleVladdi 3 days ago
"Islamophobia" is the most official goal of islam itself. Islam openly endorses terrorism in order to foment a fear of muslims in all infidels. Their most official sharia manual, the Hedaya, openly proclaims that all muslims, even muslim toddlers, are to be regarded as “Objects of Fear!” by all infidels, to the extent that said infidels will all hurry to cross the street to avoid even said muslim toddlers!
HSkol • 4 days ago
I take great issue with Sabaditsch-Wolff having crossed our borders. Austrian Infiltrator!!!
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(((Alan))) HSkol • 4 days ago
She shouldn't have been allowed in the country. Where's the extreme vetting when we really need it?
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Roger (((Alan))) • 3 days ago
Why would there be vetting in this case since it fits in so nicely with the current administrations extremist white agendas? This is exactly right up Trump and his cronies alley.
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(((Alan))) Roger • 3 days ago
You are right, of course. My point is this woman is a criminal by the laws of her own nation. We vet refugees whose only "crime" is wanting to escape from near certain death and raise their children somewhere safe where they don't have to be afraid to speak freely, worship as they see fit and not fear being tortured and executed for saying the wrong thing. Seems to me we should be vetting actual criminals like Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff.
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RenaultRetainer HSkol • 4 days ago
Seriously. This is clearly someone who should have never been allowed on our soil.
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Nightflyer • 3 days ago
Following in the footsteps of that other great Austrian-born politician...you know, the wallpaper hanger who never came back to finish his work...
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Mike Kiernan Nightflyer • 3 days ago
Which is now, under the GOP-proposed HB 1313, a Hard Right / Alt-Right GOP-lead calling for EMPLOYER MANDATED, and far more coincidentally LEGALLY IMMUNIZED FROM LIABILITY, 'GENETIC TESTING', that is exactly what Hitler did when he came to power in 1933, and in 1935 started his Aryan Heritage Purity nonsense. Such nonsense set off a huge wave of out-flow immigration, from Germany to the West, from England and the U.S. . It also set into motion the creation of the Concentration Camp's, for those not considered 'Aryan enough', which is more than disturbing since it clones what's being pushed here as far as the ICE Detention Camp's that Trump is calling for. HB 1313 is nothing more than another try at a Hard Right attempt at racial genocide disguised under a legal fiction. And that, by itself, is something that the SCOTUS, Gosuch on the Bench or not, is going to have to come to grips with and rule on before this idiocy and racial / genetic origin BS goes any farther, or is allowed to even be considered.
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paul fredine • 3 days ago
a republican who proudly displays his bigotry. how long before she has a meeting at the white house? i'm sure bannon will welcome her with open arms.
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Mike Kiernan paul fredine • 3 days ago
Considering how long the WH actively hid, thru lie's and subterfuge (that now even Spicer can't hide from ) Flynn's nonsense, this move is almost a laughable joke. But more importantly is the fact that Kobach is now, with Bannon's approval, actively advising DHS, and with that 'advising' is the fact that Wollf now has a DIRECT LINE INTO THE WH POLICYMAKING PROCESS, which is what the Turks had when they had Flynn by the 'short and curlies' when he was the NSA, is almost inconceivable. But the more sad fact is that Kelly, who should dammed well know better as a Marine 4 Star, is letting this BS go on for as long as it has, and hasn't bothered to put a stop to this, shows just how far Trump's poison has been allowed to go on, unchallenged. Kelly, at the minimum, should have seen this coming, more so if his own people had bothered to 'vet' Wollf, as is routinely done, to prevent her from getting anywhere near ANY DHS POLICYMAKER, long before this nonsense happened. The only remaining question now is for how long is this obscenity going to be allowed to continue, before someone 'step's up, chinch's Them up, and steps up' and tells, not 'advises,' Kelly and Kobach that the shows over, and that Someone's Head is now on the block, and the axe already being sharpened. And the closer that the 2018 Midterm's get the more that the axe is going to be started to swing, and if Kelly's NOT REAL CAREFUL, isn't going to give a dam about what, or who, it cuts into when That Call is made..................
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(((Aron))) • 13 hours ago
It's adorable that those two idiots are still replying to me. They think I'm still paying attention to them!
And they keep referring to the Grand Mufti as if he were the only Muslim who ever existed outside of Muhammad.
I very much hope a Muslim doctor saves their miserable lives someday.
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Princess Erika the Radiant (((Aron))) • 13 hours ago
they actually think they have a point somewhere besides the top of their heads
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(((Aron))) Princess Erika the Radiant • 13 hours ago
And one of them took the time to color-correct my avatar just to get a look at my Burger King crown!
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Princess Erika the Radiant (((Aron))) • 13 hours ago
maybe Putingrad doesn't have Burger Kings
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(((Aron))) Princess Erika the Radiant • 13 hours ago
No, I think they both live in Canada. Or at least Vladimir does. So they have Tim Horton's.
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Princess Erika the Radiant (((Aron))) • 12 hours ago
they are two of hte dumbest Twolls who have ever infested here.
both seem to have learned about Islam from Chick Tracts
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(((Aron))) • a day ago
Come on, 'Dajjal,' let's get this over three hundred posts: I know you have it in you!
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
I counter with what my people did to the Amelakites.
Also, I frame it in the context of your mother.
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Cthulhusquatch • 8 hours ago
She just needs to log on to Fetlife once in a while and lose some of her obvious tension.
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Princess Erika the Radiant Guest • 13 hours ago
you should do some more research into what far right wing Christians think, Putinista
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(((Aron))) Guest • 2 days ago
Clearly you have never actually met a Muslim.
How very sad.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
I have many Muslim friends. What do you plan to do to us?
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
I see now that you are just another basement Nazi.
Color me unsurprised.
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Princess Erika the Radiant Guest • 13 hours ago
oh look, we have another Patriot Bible University graduate.
you should have majored in Biblical Spanking instead of history, it would have done less damage to you
also, you might want to stop learning history from Chick Tracts
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Princess Erika the Radiant Guest • 13 hours ago
oh look, we have another one of those people who cannot look beyond names
but since you want to not look beyond names, please name one actually Socialist thing that the German government did between 1933 and 1945.
then please explain in your own worlds why the first people targeted by the German government in 1933 were Socialists
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
He can speak for himself, thanks.
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Princess Erika the Radiant Guest • 12 hours ago
also, when you remove the mask of a fake libertarian (a real libertarian wouldn't be engaging in blatant religious discrimination) you always find a fascist - absolutely no exceptions.
indeed, libertarianism in many respects actually is fascism since it would allow corporations to run wild without government interference
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
So you are a toady.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Insults are all you are worth, toady Birchtard.
My mission is mercenary. What do you plan to do about ME?
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Nope. I am a proud human, empty of hatred.
You are a hollow husk of a man whose entire existence is shaped by the hatred I lack.
What do you think of Judaism? Sure we are indefensible as well. When do you plan to construct your death camps?
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Wow. You really are all over the place. Which isn't surprising.
I'm well aware of the 'Handschar,' and that they didn't fight a single battle before they all deserted with their new boots.
But keep projecting, stupid! And good luck attempting to eradicate Islam, as your avatar suggests.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
And I never called him a Nazi, toady: I called him a 'basement Nazi,' which is a racist outgrowth from you idiot Libertarians.
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Princess Erika the Radiant Guest • 12 hours ago
oh look, we have another Patriot Bible University graduate.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
You are a troll, and trolls get ignored.
That you are an idiot Goldwaterite is no surprise either.
Next you'll tell me you are a Bircher as well. But don't bother: I will have long ignored you.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
My mustard cuts just fine, thanks. And these aren't argiments they are insults.
All religions have their flaws. All religions have their strengths.
You however, have NO strengths, just an overwrought writing style and a heart full of hatred toward nearly one third of the world's population.
What a sad existence. When do you intend to start building your death camps?
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
And we all know how peaceful the Christians are.
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Princess Erika the Radiant (((Aron))) • 12 hours ago
i'm not sure that Dajjal Twoll is even American - but that's no excuse to not know about European history or the most ironically named class of all, "Western Civilization"
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
I'm just going to let that one sit there. No response is necessary.
Your idiocy speaks for itself.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
This is no debate.
This is me insulting you, and you being too stupid to realize you are about to be banned.
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Nightflyer Guest • 12 hours ago
"Moe contrived Islam as a source of income through plunder."
What about Larry and Curly?
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Who said I was a Christian?
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
My Jewish horns?
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Princess Erika the Radiant Guest • 12 hours ago
yep, definitely not American
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HSkol UncleVladdi • 3 days ago
Uncle Russia Communist Dude, I don't think you understand Islam so well. You certainly don't understand individualism and liberty.
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HSkol UncleVladdi • 2 days ago
So sorry for this second reply, really. Your communism itself doesn't permit individualism - so, I do understand your confusion. Your particular brand of self overrides any genuine "Self".
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HSkol UncleVladdi • 2 days ago
No. Islam is Islam. A great many individuals practice this particular faith. All true individuals, regardless of faith or lack thereof, define their world against the odds of the boundaries set by others. Make sense?
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RenaultRetainer Guest • 2 days ago
Congratulations, Ken, on proving you are Barbie's sexless boyfrend, and that there is absolutely nothing inside your thick, tiny plastic skull but air.
Your home-schooling is really paying off for you; you've achieved a literacy level of a 2nd grader! Well done! I bet you can graduate to Chief Burger Flipper now!
So, like the dear little BreitBot you are, bless your heart, you've come over here to dance for the doggy snacks that your God-Emperor Orange Ape and Bannon Wormtongue have promised you. Dance little doggy, dance! Try not to think too hard about the fact that as soon as you are of no use to them they'll throw you under the bus.
I love how I can tick off so many squares on my NeoNazi BINGO card when you post. You little bots just can't get off the script, can you?
Since there is nothing in what you post worth debating, and absolutely nothing that is even remotely of any interest to me, I am blocking you now. And since you only understand tiny words and simple concepts I will have to explain that to you in a way you will understand. I will not see one word you post, ever. Not even the Oh! So Smart! Comeback! With All! The Best! Words! that you were planning on writing as you read this with one finger under the words on the screen and your lips moving.
Oh you can post it anyway, of course, but you'll just end up looking like the moron mutt that keeps barking at the tree the squirrel left hours ago.
See, I have better things to do with my time than scrape the rancid poo from a Trump yapdog out of my email.
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Princess Erika the Radiant UncleVladdi • 12 hours ago
oh look, the Putinista doesn't know what blocked means
but thank you for proving her point
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RenaultRetainer UncleVladdi • 2 days ago
Congratulations, Barbie, on proving there is absolutely nothing inside your thick, tiny plastic skull but the ends of your hair and air.
Your home-schooling is really paying off for you; you've achieved a literacy level of a 2nd grader! Well done! I bet you can graduate to Chief Burger Flipper now!
So, like the dear little BreitBot you are, bless your heart, you've come over here to dance for the doggy snacks that your God-Emperor Orange Ape and Bannon Wormtongue have promised you. Dance little doggy, dance! Try not to think too hard about the fact that as soon as you are of no use to them they'll throw you under the bus.
I love how I can tick off so many squares on my NeoNazi BINGO card when you post. You little bots just can't get off the script, can you?
Since there is nothing in what you post worth debating, and absolutely nothing that is even remotely of any interest to me, I am blocking you now. And since you only understand tiny words and simple concepts I will have to explain that to you in a way you will understand. I will not see one word you post, ever. Not even the Oh! So Smart! Comeback! With All! The Best! Words! that you were planning on writing as you read this with one finger under the words on the screen and your lips moving.
Oh you can post it anyway, of course, but you'll just end up looking like the moron mutt that keeps barking at the tree the squirrel left hours ago.
See, I have better things to do with my time than scrape the rancid poo from a Trump yapdog out of my email.
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Princess Erika the Radiant UncleVladdi • 12 hours ago
not as sad as replying to a post telling you in the most basic terms that even a resident of Putingrad could understand that you are blocked
Putin definitely isn't getting his rubles worth from your posts
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HSkol Guest • 3 days ago
What human lingo books do you read? Alex Jones Diaries?
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(((Alan))) Guest • 13 hours ago
The canonical books of Judeo-Christianity are also of human origin. What's your point?
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(((Aron))) UncleVladdi • a day ago
Wow. That was a whole lot of verbiage to say 'wah wah wah, I can no longer lynch someone simply because they follow a different religion!'
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
What does that have anything to do with anything?
And why is this Vladimir fellow unable to defend himself?
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Toady's gonna toady.
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Nightflyer (((Aron))) • 12 hours ago
"Calvary who brought their own horses got a double share of the loot after Moe's ghazwat?"
Well, nutballs always have to talk in code. It impresses their buddies.
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(((Alan))) Nightflyer • 8 hours ago
Did he actually type "Calvary"? or do you think he believes that Jesus was crucified on Cavalry?
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Nightflyer (((Alan))) • 6 hours ago
That's exactly what it read...it caught my eye, for obvious reasons.
It takes as much concentrated effort and energy to be stupid as it does to be intelligent.
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(((Alan))) Nightflyer • 6 hours ago
That is too, too funny.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
You are disgusting.
And considering how brown is your nose, you really have no right to speak, toady.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Your entire Disqus history consists of spreading hatred toward Islam.
What a pathetic existence.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
You're a very good toady, but you aren't a very good human.
Go spread your hatred somewhere else. Seriously.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Spoken like a true basement Nazi.
Keep dancing, monkey.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
And that's cute, calling a Yid a Nazi. I'm sure that wins you ALL the support!
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Projecting? No.
Laughing at your pathetic hate-mongering? Yes.
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(((Aron))) Guest • a day ago
Nope. I am a beloved and integral member of the community here. You blew in with the win with the sole intention of toadying and spreading hatred for one of the three Abrahamic religions.
You are, in other words, a troll. And trolls get moderated.
Have fun with that, because I am done with you!
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ElizabetB. • 3 days ago
Thanks for letting us know.
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