Sunday, November 03, 2019

Think About This!!

Give it deep thought. Meditate on it. Try to pick it apart ligically. Deny it in a comment if you can! Osama is dead (we hope) Al-Qaeda lives on. Al-bhagdadi is dead (we hope) ISIS lives on. Jihad dedpends on believers in the Ummah and pussilanimous defenders, not on leaders.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Name calling is a first resort of brats on the playground and the Democrat Party. Democrats call President Trump a racist and the media dance around the fire chanting it without end. President Trump told the truth about the Mexican invaders, that a significant number of them are murderers, rapists, robbers or drunk drivers. So, according to Democrats, he must be a racist. But he did not say "all Mexicans", he wants to exclude the criminals, so immigrants must come in through the legally established process, not through gaps in the fence. President Trump said we should ban Muslim immigration until we "figure out what the Hell is going on". So, according to Democrats, he must be a racist. Is Islam a race? What race is Islam? are all Muslims members of the same race? Do apostates and converts change their races? If President Trump had read the Qur'an & hadith he would know that Jihad and Hihrah are going on. Muslims are engaging in a war of attrition and demographic conquest. Stating those facts is not racist. Excluding citizens of a handful of Muslim countries that can not or will not provide their provenance is not racism, it is common sense. Racism is the conceit that your race is superior and others are inferior. Trump supporters are intelligent enough to know that there is a bell curve that applies to all races. Individuals of all races can excel over Morons such as AOC. As the founders declared, "All men are created equal"... . Some of them denigrate themselves by worshiping a deity who requires them to conquer the world and licenses them to kill us and plunder our goods. Condemning them is not racism, it is common sense. Others denigrate themselves by eschewing honest labor in favor of a life of crime. Condemning them is not racism, it is common sense. Still others drive after consuming sumptuary substances resulting in the death of innocents. Yet others assault & rape. Condemning them is common sense, not racism. Seeking to sort the earnest from the evil and exclude the evil is not racism, it is good public policy!! So now comes AOC claiming that the Electoral College is racist!!! The over educated Moron either never learned about, forgot about or does not want to accept the fact that compromises were needed to get the Constitution drafted and ratified. She seems not to know that the 13 liberated colonies who had successfully rebelled against their oppressor, were jealous of their prerogatives. The inland colonies with small populations feared being screwed over by the larger colonies on the coast. The federation was 13 states, Moron, not 13 people; states, not Blacks, Reds & Whites. The electoral College is a compromise recognizing the federal nature of the union as well as the rights of the people. Without it, candidates for the Presidency would only campaign on the coasts, neglecting the rest of the states. Those of us in "fly over country" would be screwed over!!! #Racist #Racism #Race

Thursday, January 03, 2019


Canuckistan I come fresh from viewing  this excellent video at Creeping Sharia.  I share it with you because besides telling us what is happening in Canuckistan, it relates vital information about  #Isdamn.  

Update 01/04/19 Today I received this comment notice from Disqus informing me of a new comment on this post. When I clicked through, I discovered that Mahmoud El-Yousseph  had chickened out and deleted the comment.   I  publish it as an update because it is a teachable moment.  

    He can not contest anything in the video. His only arguments are ad-hominem & tu-qioque, logical fallacies  that only distract from the facts, not refute them.  Messiah ad-Dajjal is the antiChrist in Islamic eschatology, but  Islam reverses everything. I tell the truth about Islam, which offends  Muslims.
   I create original content, but Mahmoud is a plagiarizer.  This is the source of his screed.  The Talmud, from which that shit is derived, is a record of rabbinical debates, not a canonical text of Judaism.  Nothing in it subtracts anything from the evil  of Islam.

   Let's get down to the nitty-gritty: Allah is a capricious demon and Muhammad was a Profiteer, not a Prophet!  I have proof and I exhibit it!
The Islamic creation myth, found in Mishkat ull-Masabih, volume 3, page 117-118, exposes Allah who created the Black race "for the fire and I don't care.

Allah  will take Muslims out of Hell and replace them with Christians & Jews. Sahih Musalim volume 7, page 144

Mahmoud El-Yousseph

Hey Dajjal, your name in Arabic means "hypocrite" and you could not have picked up a better screen name.You and your side kicks on this site should know that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Since you all frequently take cheep shots at Islam and Muslims and use derogatory terms, I thought it is about time to entertain you by giving you some of your own medicine. Also for Christian- Zionist and others who are not in the know:

It wasn’t the Muslims whose law states that they cannot go before a Christian Judge – it was the Jooz.
It wasn� ��t the Muslims whose laws state that a Christian – because he is considered lower than an animal – cannot be used as a witness – it was the Jews.

It was not the Muslims who refused to associate with Christians because they were considered unworthy and “unclean” – it was the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who must refuse to be attended by a Goy Christian physician – it is the Jews

It is not the Muslims who teach that whenever possible they must murder Christians and do so without mercy – it was the Jews

It is not the Muslims who call Mary, the mother of Jesus – “chairia” – shit, dung , it is the Jews

It is not the Muslims who call Christian Saints perverts an homosexuals. It is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who call Christian Churches a house of evil – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teach that Christians honor ‘their’ God ( Jesus) by shitting before Him – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims whose law says that Christians must NOT be told if they are paying too much – it is the hews.

It is not the Muslims who teach that the rightful property of Christians must NOT be returned to them – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teachings state that it is allowed to cheat/defraud Christians – it s the Jews.

It is not the Muslims whose written laws encourage ‘usury’ against Christian ‘Goy’ – it is the Jews.

It is not Muslim law that teaches t hat they may lie and perjure themselves to condemn a Christian – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teach that an injured Christian must NOT be aided – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teach that a Christian must ALWAYS be deceived whenever possible – it is the Jews.

It is not Muslims Arabs that teach a Christian woman in childbirt h or that ANY Christian in danger of DEATH must NOT be helped – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teach that all of the Christians – even the best of them are to be killed ( as were 20,000,000 Christians in Russia!) – it was the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teach their ilk that no festival – no mater how solemn must prevent the murder of a Christian – it was the Jews.

It is not the Muslims whose leader teach that it is OK for them to do evil if they do it in a city where they are not known – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teach that hitting one of them is the SAME as hitting God – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who are taught that if they are hit by a Christian, it is permissible to murder that Christian – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who teach that they need not pay a just debt to a Christian – it is the Jews.

It is not the Muslims who are taught it is good to rob, cheat or kill a Christian – it is the Jews.

.It wasn’t the Muslims whose laws demanded that a Christian’s greeting must not be returned – it was the Joos.

10:38 a.m., Friday Jan. 4 | Other comment

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