Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ahmadinejad: UN Racism Conference Part 2

The statement in block quote format is from [Statement by the Islamic Republic of Iran as delivered (unofficial transcript)] as published by Eye on the UN. Since the prepared speech is ten pages long and presents a target rich environment, I am dividing my analysis of the Iranian President's address to the U.N. Racism Conference into several posts.

In the Middle Ages scholars and scientists were sentenced to death. And later on slavery and the hunting down of innocent people, separating them from their families and taking them in millions to Europe and America in the worst conditions, was popular. These were dark ages where lands were occupied and their sources were looted, and innocent people were killed and made homeless.
Iran's President took a passing swipe at the excesses of the Inquisition, then he raised the issue of slavery. Unfortunately, he lies by concealment, practicing kitman. His implication is that the European powers and America enslaved Africans. In fact, the victims were enslaved and sold by Arab Muslims and their African victims who converted to Islam. Rape, pillage & plunder took place wherever the Arab Muslims and their indigenous converts invaded from Arabia to Asia.

Islamic law includes a provision for captive women and children, it is found in Book O of Reliance of the Traveller.


When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman's previous marriage is immediately annulled.


When an adult male is taken captive, the caliph (def: o25) considers the interests (O: of Islam and the Muslims) and decides between the prisoner's death, slavery, release without paying anything, or ransoming himself in exchange for money or for a Muslim captive held by the enemy.

President Ahmadinejad exploited white guilt while glossing over the identity of the actual slavers.

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