Friday, June 08, 2018

UN Human Rights Council Denies: Terrorism Is Islam πŸ’© πŸ–• πŸ‘Ž

UN Human Rights Council Denies: Terrorism Is Islam πŸ’© πŸ–• πŸ‘Ž UN Human Rights Council Denies: Terrorism Is Islam πŸ’© πŸ–•  πŸ‘Ž

In March of 2018, UNHRC met and reaffirmed their most damnable lie: denying the obvious nexus of Islam and terrorism in three resolutions.
    Each of those resolutions contains the big lie in terms derived from boiler plate in previous resolutions.

  • Emphasizing that terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group, [page 1]
  • Reaffirming that terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group, [page 1]
  • 6. Emphasizes that no religion should be equated with terrorism, as this may have adverse consequences for the enjoyment of the right to freedom of religion or belief of all members of the religious community concerned; [page 6]
    The nexus between Islam and terrorism is found in Islam's canonical texts. A search for terror at  turned up 172 results.
  • Results from:
    • Qur'an: 39
    • tafsirs: 126
    • hadith: 54
      • Sahih Bukhari: 6
      • Sahih Muslim: 13
      • sunan Abu Dawud: 2
    Most of those search results relate to the greatest terror: Qiyama, when Allah comes to damn sinners.  Others are directly relevant to the nexus.
  • Relevant Results; A few samples:
    • 15 Quran 33.26

      • People of the Book, and He cast terror into their hearts, [so that] you killed a part of them, and t
    • 27 Quran 3.151

      • We shall strike terror into the hearts of unbelievers for ascribing compeers to God for which He has
    • 39 Quran 8.12

      • ill the hearts of infidels with terror. So smite them on their necks and every joint, (and incapacit
    • 57 Quran 59.2

      • t, and filled their hearts with terror, so that they destroyed their homes with their own hands (or
    • 96 Quran 8.60

      • can muster, that you may strike terror in (the hearts of) the enemies of God and your own, and other
    • 99 Quran 59.13

      • nger (than they) because of the terror in their hearts, (sent) by Allah. This is because they are me
    • 6 Tafsir Al-Qushairi 3.151

      • We will cast terror into the hearts of the disbelievers; for what they have associated with God that
      • ignated our Prophet (αΉ£) to cast terror (ruΚΏb) from Him into the hearts of His enemies. [The Prophet]
      • (ΚΏa) said: I was helped by terror (ruΚΏb). He also follows this way (sunna) with His friends. He put
    • 54 Hadith Sahih Muslim Book 5 Hadith 11

      • (ο·Ί) said: I have been helped by terror (in the heart of the enemy) ; I have been given words which a
    • 70 Hadith Sahih Muslim Book 5 Hadith 7

      • meaning; I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils have been made lawful to m
    • 67 Hadith Sahih Bukhari Book 56 Hadith 186

      • have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping,
    • 140 Tafsir Ibn Al Kathir 59.1-5

      • ُوبِΩ‡ِΩ…ُ Ψ§Ω„Ψ±ُّΨΉْΨ¨َ (and He cast terror into their hearts) means, Allah cast fear, terror and fright
      • tes did not deliver. Allah cast terror in the hearts of the Jews. They asked the Messenger to allow
      • miliate them and bring fear and terror to their hearts, he ordered their date trees to be cut down.
    Allah said he would and did cast terror. Allah said  Moe was more a terror in the Jew's hearts than he was. Allah commanded Muslims to strike terror and terrorize.
Allah awards Brownie Points for terrorism.   Moe said he was helped and made victorious with terror.  The God damn UN says Islam can not be equated nor associated with terror. It thereby earns our contempt and detestation!  @POTUS Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US!!! #MAGA !!

    In the matter of human rights: The accursed nations declare all human rights to be interdependent. God damn them!!!
  • Emphasizing that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated,
  • Reaffirming that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated,
    No, damn you πŸ–•  πŸ‘Ž My right to expose, curse and condemn those who threaten and attack me is not dependent on anything but the grace of God, the Declaration Of Independence and the first amendment's free speech clause!!!

    President Washington said that without free speech we would be lambs for the slaughter.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

    Goldwater made it crystal clear:
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!?

  • Embeded false premises:
    • Violent Extremism
      • The words and works Islam's deity and Prophet are not extrfeme, they are normative; they set the standard for all Muslims to obey in all places, at all times. 
    • "adverse consequences for the enjoyment of the right to freedom of religion"
      • Where but in the Goddamn Qur'an, hadith, sira & shari'ah do you find the right to:
        • threaten
        • attack
        • extort
        • kill
        • enslave
        • plunder
        • rape
          • anyone because he rejects your superstition πŸ–•
      • In which article, section and clause of the Constitution do you find those rights πŸ–•
    This is a blog post, not a book. Since I have previously documented the relevant facts, I link to them instead of repeating them.

#FightTheDisbelieversNearestYou 9.123

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