The boundaries of islam were set by the crime-lord Muhammad, and his "muslims" are enslaved by it - CAPISCE?
And islam is not a "faith" at all, because Muhammad told his holy-mobster "muslim" mind-slaves to see their allah as both unknown and unknowable.

Islam's moslems have NO legal right to "practice their faith" whether it be in public or elsewhere - because everything moslems pretend to hold as "holy" is already a crime.

They have no real "faith" because their description of their allah is that he/it is unknown and unknowable (so why listen to Big Moe?) and since allah has been generalized as the indivisible EVERYTHING, it is also therefore specifically NOTHING! It isn't Ha-Shem, only Shit-Happens! Existentialism IS nihilism!

4:77: Those who whined "Hold back your hands (from attacking)" were corrected:
"War is compulsory for us - the good and bad both come from allah!"

Islam is NOT a religion (at all, much less one "Of Peace!").

All muslims are atheists, because they have no faith in their god's desires or ability to enforce even its own us-versus-them and might-makes-right tenets.

The Qur’an clearly and specifically tells muslims the Bible is wrong and also that all Christians and Jews are infidel criminals who worship a false god, and who must therefore be extorted, enslaved, and murdered for their “crime” of not being muslims:

Sura (Chapter) 47:1-4 of the Qur'an:

1: non-muslims are bad, because they insult allah by dividing his nature;
2: muslims are good, because to them allah is the cause of everything;
3: Allah made them both like that;
4: So muslims should chop off the non-muslims' heads.
(Allah could have done it himself, but he wants you muslims to do it for him)."


It's all right there, in context: islamic violence is entirely general doctrine-driven, and not at all specific grievance-driven.

(And chapter 47 isn't by any stretch even remotely the worst, most violent chapter; that honor goes to either chapter 8 or 9).


So, if and when you consider islam to be a religion, you must agree with it’s main tenet: that God is a violent murderer who wants his muslim tribe to violently conquer the world by extorting, enslaving, and murdering all the non-muslim humans, right?

At worst, all 'real' religions only say:

"Obey our silly rules, or GOD (/'the gods') will get you!"

But ONLY islam says:

"Obey our silly rules, or WE will get you ('for god')!"

A forced faith isn't a "faith" at all - it's only extortion, and extortion is always a crime!

Here’s islam’s “holy Message from god” as exemplified by the collective words and deeds of it’s Founder:

“I will save humanity by lying to, extorting, torturing, robbing, burning out of their homes, kidnapping and ransoming, enslaving, raping and murdering everyone who even only verbally disagrees with me – and you can, too!”

- Muhammad -

Muhammad was really only a con-man and bandit-king, an arch-criminal who always blamed “god” for his own penchant for committing crimes. If Moe got away with committing a crime (and he tried them all, enthusiastically, more than once, but instead of ever showing contrition, bragged about how much fun it was to commit them, and advised everyone else to join in the fun, too), then it was held to be “obvious” that “god” wanted him to get away with having committed those crimes!

So, again: islam is not a “religion” (at all, much less one “of peace”) nor is it a “race” (at all, much less one of “Poor, Oppressed, People Of Colour”)!

Obviously, islam is ONLY an ancient, ongoing extortion-racket CRIME-syndicate, and the only “religious” part in it, is where they say:

“God told us to commit these crimes!”



Bottom line: If you decide to believe in "allah," you have declared yourself a criminal, and so must be arrested, indicted, tried and convicted. Your confession of "faith" in your crime-god will help us to do so.