Wednesday, January 31, 2018

State Of The Union '18: Grow Up And Wise UP!

State Of The Union '18 Grow up and Wise up!!
I am  not willing to dissect a state of the union address that runs more than an hour. In the whole, I approve of the major themes and delivery. His use of special guests as props should prove effective. But I have a few bones to pick.

Over the next few weeks, the House and Senate will be voting on an immigration reform package.

In recent months, my Administration has met extensively with both Democrats and Republicans to craft a bipartisan approach to immigration reform.  Based on these discussions, we presented the Congress with a detailed proposal that should be supported by both parties as a fair compromise — one where nobody gets everything they want, but where our country gets the critical reforms it needs.

Here are the four pillars of our plan:

The first pillar of our framework generously offers a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age — that covers almost three times more people than the previous administration.  Under our plan, those who meet education and work requirements, and show good moral character, will be able to become full citizens of the United States.

The second pillar fully secures the border.  That means building a wall on the Southern border, and it means hiring more heroes like CJ to keep our communities safe.  Crucially, our plan closes the terrible loopholes exploited by criminals and terrorists to enter our country — and it finally ends the dangerous practice of “catch and release.”

The third pillar ends the visa lottery — a program that randomly hands out green cards without any regard for skill, merit, or the safety of our people.  It is time to begin moving towards a merit-based immigration system — one that admits people who are skilled, who want to work, who will contribute to our society, and who will love and respect our country.

The fourth and final pillar protects the nuclear family by ending chain migration.  Under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives.  Under our plan, we focus on the immediate family by limiting sponsorships to spouses and minor children.  This vital reform is necessary, not just for our economy, but for our security, and our future.

In recent weeks, two terrorist attacks in New York were made possible by the visa lottery and chain migration.  In the age of terrorism, these programs present risks we can no longer afford.

It is time to reform these outdated immigration rules, and finally bring our immigration system into the 21st century.

These four pillars represent a down-the-middle compromise, and one that will create a safe, modern, and lawful immigration system.

For over 30 years, Washington has tried and failed to solve this problem.  This Congress can be the one that finally makes it happen.

Most importantly, these four pillars will produce legislation that fulfills my ironclad pledge to only sign a bill that puts America first.  So let us come together, set politics aside, and finally get the job done.

    Bipartisan? Didn't they pull your head out to do your colonoscopy?  Democrats are the party of Balkanization.  Don't you remember what L.B.J. said? "I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for two hundred years." The party of slaery, Jim Crow & segregation is now the party of identity politics!  There is no such thing as bipartisan, there is only Republican surrender. Like Muslims, they only demand, never compromise. They can not be appeased. They are determined to cement themselves in power permanently by creating a new permanently dependent immigrant class.

    There is a difference between wants and needs. There is no need for making illegal aliens legal or giving them amnesty. Democrats want and demand it but it is not a need. There is a need to make the border impervious to people smugglers, drugs, illegal aliens and terrorists. A fence or wall with penetrable gaps is useless.  It must be impossible to go over, under around or through.  A complete wall, not partial.  Immediately, not years later, not in stages. Delay is denial.  Democrats do not keep promises.  Neither will RINOs. No conditions, no tricks, no conditional clauses and no dependence on future appropriations.

    No path to citizenship!!! Make them apply for it like anyone else and jump through the same hoops and over the same hurdles. Thorough  background checks, reject all members of LaRaza & MECHa and send them home. Like wise those flying Mexican flags and wearing terrorist t shirts. If they are sympathizers with black lives matter or Islam, then send them home!

    There must be no compromise. All or nothing! Raise Act, E-Verify, the end of visa lottery & green card jiggery, complete and permanent of no deal!

    And you neglected something. We have three coast lines and a Northern border.  They will come by sea or through Canada.

As part of our defense, we must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal, hopefully never having to use it, but making it so strong and powerful that it will deter any acts of aggression.  Perhaps someday in the future there will be a magical moment when the countries of the world will get together to eliminate their nuclear weapons.  Unfortunately, we are not there yet.

    At 71, you should have outgrown belief in magic. Do you  underestimate the consequences of disarming only to discover too late that one enemy retained and used their nukes? There is no possibility of verifying either disarmament or production.  Pandora's box is open, the demons are loose and can not be but back in.   Raising or perpetuating false hopes with such mentions is not a good thing to do.

Last year, I also pledged that we would work with our allies to extinguish ISIS from the face of the Earth.  One year later, I am proud to report that the coalition to defeat ISIS has liberated almost 100 percent of the territory once held by these killers in Iraq and Syria.  But there is much more work to be done.  We will continue our fight until ISIS is defeated.

    After a year in office, President Trump still does not recognize the enemy. It's Islam, Stupid! There are more thgan 50 discrete named terrorist entities. They all have one lowest common denominator: Islam. If General Mattis would kill every card carrying member of the Islamic State and Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah and a host of other Muslims would continue the Jihad.

    Jihad will continue so long as the earth is Muslim infested. See this series of posts for the disgusting details:

Terrorists who do things like place bombs in civilian hospitals are evil.  When possible, we annihilate them.  When necessary, we must be able to detain and question them.  But we must be clear:  Terrorists are not merely criminals.  They are unlawful enemy combatants.  And when captured overseas, they should be treated like the terrorists they are.

In the past, we have foolishly released hundreds of dangerous terrorists, only to meet them again on the battlefield — including the ISIS leader, al-Baghdadi.

So today, I am keeping another promise.  I just signed an order directing Secretary Mattis to reexamine our military detention policy and to keep open the detention facilities at Guantánamo Bay.

I am also asking the Congress to ensure that, in the fight against ISIS and al-Qa’ida, we continue to have all necessary power to detain terrorists — wherever we chase them down.

Our warriors in Afghanistan also have new rules of engagement.  Along with their heroic Afghan partners, our military is no longer undermined by artificial timelines, and we no longer tell our enemies our plans.

    Mujahids, not terrorists Mr. President! War is evil. The evil resides in aggressors who attack innocent people.
Islam, God damn it, attacks without provocation. Not being Muslims is their casus belli. 

    The issue is Jihad, not the tactics employed in it. Terrorism is a tactic, not an enemy.  War must be carried on, at all times, by some party of the Muslims.

    There will be Jihad so long as there is a sufficient number of Muslims to perform it and when they are to are too few or too weak, they will breed more and resume when they can. Follow the links above to Why Peace Is Impossible to get a God blessed clue for Chrissake!

    Terrorist are not common criminals. Who knew! How did you figure that out, Don? Unlawful combatants? One step forward, one step back :(

     The Geneva Conventions are irrelevant. There is no caliph to sign them. Islam is not a signatory.  Muslims are not bound by their provisions.

    Mujahideen should not be captured; they should be killed and fed to hogs. Interrogation? Yeah, right. Terrorists practice compartmentalization. Their plans are fluid and flexible, changing with time.

    Releasing terrorists is suicidal insanity. Detaining them is wasteful and costly in money and manpower. Trying them is worse. While they are imprisoned, they are an incentive for hostage taking. The hogs are hungry, feed them!!!

    The ROE fix, if genuine and complete, is a good thing but you still maunder about Afghan partners., Can't you read?  Quranic ayat expressly proscribe inferior and equal relations with infidels. "Take not as friends"!!! What part of that can you not comprehend?  3:28, 3:118,   4:894:1394:1445:515:5758:1458:2260:160:13  Muslims are enemies, not partners, neither friends nor allies: enemies!!!

    Artificial  Time lines  The war ends when the last Muslim is fed to hogs, not until! Shrub  needed to nuke Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan & Saudi Arabia.  His failure to perform cost us dearly in lives and treasure.

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