Monday, December 19, 2016

Trump on Berlin attack: “Islamic terrorists continuously slaughter Christians…as part of their global jihad”

Trump on Berlin attack: “Islamic terrorists continuously slaughter Christians…as part of their global jihad”

My post, just moments ago, on the above article posted at Jihad Watch:

If only! If only these people would have heeded the warning Spencer gave to all just last week: “Remember the rule,” he begged.

(Italy: Priest bans Nativity scene for fear of offending Muslims)

Then he even spelt the rule out for all who needed it so: “ in Muslim countries, be careful to conform your behavior to Muslim sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, be careful to conform your behavior to Muslim sensibilities.”

What in that is hard to get? What?

What in, “… people who strive against Our Signs [(The Qur’an)], trying to nullify [–declare them meaningless–] such people will be summoned to the Punishment [and will not escape it],” is hard to get? (Surat Saba’ [Sheba]: 34:38; Tafsir Al-Jalalayn.)

What is hard to understand in: “the Messenger of Allah said, ‘I was commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and believe in me and what I have brought. When they do that, their blood and property are protected from me except for a right (they owe). Their reckoning is with Allah.’” (Muslim and al-Bukhari.)

What is ambiguous in any of the following?

….The unbelievers are your manifest enemies…. (Ibid, Surat an-Nisa 4:.101.) 
Kill them wherever you come across them and expel them from where they expelled you ….That is how [(by killing and expelling them)] the unbelievers should be repaid.” (Ibid, Surat al-Baqara 2: 191.) 
“Fight them until there is no more fitna [(shirk) in existence] and the din [(worship]) belongs to Allah alone [and none but Him is worshipped]. (Ibid, vs. 193.)
“Fight them until there is no more fitna (shirk) [worshiping someone other than Allah] and the din is Allah’s alone [–meaning that only He is worshipped]….” (al-Jalalayn, Surat al-Anfal 8:39.)

Hence Roberts pleading, as mentioned above, just last week.

If only these people would have heeded…

Trump on Berlin attack: “Islamic terrorists continuously slaughter Christians…as part of their global jihad”

1 comment:

Ben said...

Isdamnic scripture commands 'slimes to punish us for not being them: 9.5. 9.14.
It commands them to attack pagans until only Allah is worshiped: 8.39. It commands them to attack Jews, Christians & Zoroastrians until we are subjugated and extorted 9.29. It commands them to attack the nearest disbelievers.

Hadith confirm the commands: the Jihad books of the six Sittah and books of Khumus & Expedition in Sahih Bukhri.

Islamic law codifies them in Reliance Of The Traveller, Book O, Chapter 9, Risala Ch. 33 and Hedaya, Volume 2: al-Sayir beginning on page 140. I limked to those texts in a post a few minutes ago, documenting Robert Spencer's proof that ISIS is Islamic.

There is no excuse for ignorance of the fatal facts!!!