Friday, August 13, 2010

Reliance of the Traveller: Handbook of Shari'ah

Reliance Update Update 06-02-'17: All the links to Reliance in this blog post are broken. It has been pulled down from the archive again. There is one new upload to another site, but it will be short lived, so I ain't bothering to post it. 

Get real! National Navy Information Center, this includes you!  Go to Amazon and purchase hard copy. That is the only way to be assured of a complete, authentic copy. Here:

Yeah, I know, you want to save $41. We all do. That's the breaks. If you need to know, you need to show green.

    The laws of marriage are in book m, the laws of divorce in book n and the laws of 'justice' including Jihad, are in book o. It is 1251 pages, happy hunting!

Reliance covers the Shafi'i madhab. For the Hanafi madhab, as in India and the Ottoman Empire, you need Hedaya. There is a two volume set at Google Books, get both volumes. if you need the details of the laws of slavery, you need vol. 1, it is your only real hope. Keller did not translate that part, deeming it anachronistic, which it ain't, of cuss.
The laws relating to crime, punishments, marriage, divorce and slavery are in the first volume. The laws of Jihad begin on page 139 of the second volume. Note that Hedaya explains the differences between schools of Islamic law.  It is dense, archaic and difficult but worthwhile.

Risala is the fiqh of the Hanafi madhab. It is shorter, less detailed and easiest to read.

    If you really want to comprehend the laws relating to Jihad, then you need "The Book Of Jihad" . This book will piss you off! Put away all fire, spill and choke hazards before opening it! Put women, children and fragile pets in a safe room. Don't claim I did not warn you!

    If, for some unfortunate reason, you really need to develop expertise, then you need to read the Qur'an and at least one of the two sahih.  For the law of commerce, you need Malik's Muwatta.
    1. Note: The English Only ed. of Bukhari is Bowdlerized, important stuff was omitted. But it uses the common numbering system found on the web.

Update 03/23/17:
Reliance In the Archive
    Sorry, you were excrement outta luck. They got the last download link!  Go buy a hard copy from Amazon or find a friend who already has the file on his hard drive.

:) God help me, I was wrong!  But probably not for long, so act quickly!!! I just found the link above in the internet archive!!!!

Update 02/03/17:
Most of the links in this post have been broken by external site changes. The pdf scans of reliance have been pulled down. At present, only a pdf containing the English translation is available, and I do not expect it to remain up for long.
Note: Keller did not translate the laws relating to slavery. If you need that information, read about it in the first volume of Hedaya, particularly the sections on marriage and divorce.

     For a quick survey, download "A Summary Of Islamic Jurisprudence" from the internet archive. For the fiqh particular to Jihad, download " The Book Of Jihad" from the internet archive. is defunct, There is an old copy in the wayback machine if you know how to find and use it in the internet archive. . 

Critical update 10/26/16: new source discovered! * o This is a pdf of the English language translation, no Arabic. There are missing links in the table of contents but in the parts I checked, the text is present and you can search for or scroll to it. o The Index Bibliography appear to be missing. The text appears to be authentic. + Alternative source: # found here: o found here + # found here * * This page contains a great deal of useful information about the book. Update 06-11-16: Many links are broken. This one works at this time:

Updated 03/8/'14 to fix broken links. crusaders Armory is now a .tk domain. 
This post is spurred by recent interest in tags related to Reliance of the Traveller. Updating this post with new links including links to the handbooks of other schools of Shari'ah was motivated by a cross link posted in Family Security Matters  this excellent article at Family Security Matters by Ed Cline has raised several important points which require posts of their own for deeper exploration.

    Islamic law is derived from Muhammad's recitation and example: Qur'an & Sunnah. "Umdat as-Salik wa 'Uddat an-Nasik (Reliance of the Traveller and Tools of the Worshipper, also commonly known by its shorter title Reliance of the Traveller) is a classical manual of fiqh for the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence. Here is the Wikipedia entry

The book is about 1251 pages long. While you can search it at Muhaddith,  there are some limitations to the search. The text has been posted an an educational site, from which I took these quotations. This is a raw text file, and some of it is extremely RAW! I suggest using the Ctrl F search function to find what you are seeking if you go there and delve into it: That text version is not complete, it ends with Book V.

Islamic Bulletin has an extensive librarywhich includes two versions of Reliance.

    The laws concerning marriage, divorce, crime & punishments, and jihad are imposed upon non-Muslims where Allah's writ runs.  Islamic law forbids charging or receiving interest. Shari'ah compliant commerce involves the proscription of all interest and all traffic with Israel.  It also involves the payment of 2.5%  Zakat on financial transactions  as well as on increase in wealth.  What most westerners don't know is that 1/8  of Zakat collections must be paid to the terrorists to finance their war against us.  It is illegal to give Zakat to Kuffar.

H8.7: The Eight Categories of Recipients

It is obligatory to distribute one's zakat among eight categories of recipients (O: meaning that zakat goes to none besides them), one-eighth of the zakat to each category. (n: In the Hanafi school, it is valid for the giver to distribute his zakat to all of the categories, some of them, or to confine himself to just one of them (al-Lubab fi sharh al-Kitab(y88), 1.155). )

H8.17: Those Fighting for Allah

The seventh category is those fighting for Allah, meaning people engaged in Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army roster (O: but who are volunteers for jihad without remuneration).  They are given enough to suffice them for the operation, even if affluent; of weapons, mounts, clothing, and expenses (O: for the duration of the journey, round trip, and the time they spend there, even if prolonged.


It is not permissible to give zakat to a non-Muslim, or to someone whom one is obliged to support (def: m12.1), such as a wife or family member.

Some of the most important provisions have been documented with screen shots from the search engine at Muhaddith.

    A series of blog posts about Shari'ah has been compiled into a Windows Help File (chm). Shari'ah.chm (100K Zipped) Compiled from a series of articles about Shari'ah, how it can affect you and what you can do to stop it.

     Reliance is the handbook of Shafi'i fiqh, authenticated by the Sheikhs of Al-Azhar  University.  The Maliki  school's Risala is shorter, less detailed and easier to read.  Unfortunately, it is only available in pdf format here:

     Hedaya is the handbook of Hanifi fiqh. Printed in an antique type face, densely packed and couched in arcane and archaic vocabulary, it is difficult to read. Hedaya, however, points out the differences between itself and the Shafi'i school. making it a useful tool for research.  It adds a great deal of clarity to the issues of Jihad & Jizya. These links go directly to those issues in the second volume of the two volume edition.

    If you seek information about the Islamic laws governing slavery, Reliance will frustrate you because the translator deemed that  material obsolete and omitted it.  The laws regulating slavery were not expunged from Hedaya, being spread through Volume 1.  The 785 pages of Vol. 4 contain 2604 instances of "slave".  use the Shift ^F advanced search function of Adobe Reader to find them.